My works...


Oct 1, 2010

Welcome to the 10th edition of “Shadow Dancing with mind"

Contents of 10th Edition
This edition contains the following section and hope you will visit few of them and get back to me with your views on the same.

DESIGN STREET: A Note on Good Design
Here are some excerpts from the book on Design by Stephen Bayley and Terence Conran, as they trace the history of designs and present most valuable design ideas from the centuries. In this first part of the two part series I bring to you their thoughts, ideas and views on the development and history of design through the century as well as very interesting images from the History of Designs...

STILL LIFE: Across the road
In my travels, I have come across many interesting people, situations as well as opportunities to capture moments that are invaluable... here are some of those accidental shots when I am not actually planning on capturing those, ... while on the road, or speeding off in some direction...

This year's Indian official entry in the foreign film category is the movie Peepli Live and the music group Indian Ocean...
MUSIC from Romania:
Some times some songs just touch you and this is one such song from Romania.... Lie, lie, ciocarlie.
Architecture: Office Building as an anchor
GlobeVill - Designed by architectureRED, catches your attention as you drive by.

This time, this one has been submitted to Monday Poetry Potluck and as per their theme, I have got on about the Kings, Queens and Warriors....

Some submissions of my verses for your readings:
To visit "One Shot Poetry WK 15" to read some of the great poets or upload one of your own.
To read the submission for the 11th Oct  POETRY POTLUCK
Beaches and Mountains

ॐ नमः शिवाय
Om Namah Shivaya


  1. thoughtful post...
    thanks for including Monday poetry potluck..

  2. Interesting little tidbits in this post! Wonderful stuff! =)


  3. I marked you down as accepted, regarding the perfect poet award,
    Thanks for the incredible patience.

  4. Dear Jingle
    Thanks for the Award of Perfect Poet as well as Liking this blog and posts.
    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya

  5. Thanks Weasel for appreciation and hope you would enjoy this more each week. It will be great if you subscribe to this blog so that you are aware about the happenings around here...

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya

  6. The Moon
    on a cat


    As a native Swede, I am particularly proud of my love poetry suite Sonnets for Katie.

    My Poems

    My wallpaper art Babes!

    Sexuality introduces Death to Being; and indeed Life simultaneously. This is the profound Myth of the Eden. The work of the Serpent. Bringing us out of "blessed" Standstill. So, in contrast to the mindless pietism of vulgar Christianity, my personal "Christo-Satanism" should be given serious thought by the Enlightened Few, the Pneumatics, the 1% Outlaws. The Light Bringer must be rehabilitated, beacause if not, the All of it simply doesn't make sense: true Catholicism is necessarily Meta Catholicism.
    You can NOT enter black hole. It's impossible. This follows immediately from general relativity theory. Proof: for an object moving let' say (along a straight line) towards a black hole, for any arbitrarily chosen distance it has laid behind itself, the reaining distance is ifinite. CHALLENGE! To all physicists,cosmologists and mathematicians of theworld: disprove THIS if you can. I think not. (Even Stephen Hawking failed tho see the obvious!)you can. I think not. (Even Stephen Hawking failed to see the obvious!)

    My philosophy


    Un orage nocturne illmuna maintenant l'Amazonie, franchis les Andes, envoya des jeux de cartes gigantesques et frappantes en bas à la Pampa –

    Puis: petit déjeuner à melon; café fumant!

    À la bague du cigare tu lis, étonné: GÉOGRAPHIE.

    My poetry in French:


    Schwarzes Birne!
    Aufforderung zur Erotik.

    My poetry in German:

    Fremde Gedichte

    And: reciprocity: for mutual benefit, you will do me a favor promoting your own blog on mine!


    - Peter Ingestad, Sweden

  7. Thanks Jingle
    I will be ready today for Thursday WK 31 rally let me know if its ok with you...

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya

  8. Dear Kraxpelax

    Thanks for your detailed post and info.. I enjoyed it.. I loved your poetry as well as your thoughts...
    thanks for visiting and look forward to seeing more of you.

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya


I appreciate your visit and it will be a great pleasure to know what you think of this post...