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Nov 10, 2010

The 12th Edition of "Shadow Dancing with Mind"

Contents of 12th Edition
This edition contains the following section and hope you will visit few of them and get back to me with your views on the same.

YOGI BABA: A story untold…Beginning of 10th Chapter
This is a story of Yogi and Yogini Vashudha, who are in the quest of answers to their own questions about life, living and bonds. Yogini Vashudha question, “Is life all about living in control, abstinence and detachment or is there any space for just living?” has been troubling Yogi Baba for some time and the journey to the answer is still on....
This time the journey, takes you to a village in Greece, where the old man watches his grand daughter growing up, among his thoughts…

THE READER: Zorba - The Greek
“Zorba – The Greek” is one of the beautiful books I have read in last few months and enjoyed it thoroughly. Those who are familiar with OSHO and been to the ashram in Pune, would remember this name very much. I have posted some of the beautiful excerpts from the book, please have a look…

This time I take you to the journey of the monsoon in Chennai and Mumbai…

WHISPERS: Dance of Emotions, pain and loneliness…
This time, I have posted three sections of whispers as below. They have been submitted to various online blogs as indicated…
Old Man at the Ghat
Submitted to Monday Poetry Potluck

Solitude and Rain
Submitted for One Shot Wednesday

The Dance In The Night
This is a story about Famous Sun Temple of Konark, where in ancient times, Sun God was worshiped. Now it has become a monument instead of temple, it was.
Submitted for Monday Potluck Building, Landmark and Monuments

Hope you will enjoy this edition and I will be obliged if you leave a comment and join in to follow me to facilitate further notifications on the postings here...
नमः शिवाय

Om Namah Shivaya

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  1. Shashi! there is so much here to read, and it ALL looks so interesting. I love dipping into another culture and reading the fullness of a different life and society.

    I'll be back...with some comments as soon as I can.

    Lady Nyo

  2. so much information, all of it beautiful.

  3. admirable and informative post.
    it keeps us posted of what you do.
    keep it up.


    Special awards for you. Happy Sunday! xx
    Hope to see you at our potluck tonight.

  5. You put so much out there in the platter for the voracious apetite of the reader :)


I appreciate your visit and it will be a great pleasure to know what you think of this post...