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Nov 6, 2011

WHISPERS: Tears In The Rain....

The latest haiku and the long verse... ‘Tears In The rain’

The flowers of my garden...

Tears needs to be bled
Before pain can
Flower, in silent words

If you want to flower love
Then you need to...
Sow seeds of pain

Any one who loves
Does not have words to say
Who have; do not love

Worli Sea Face in Mumbai - India

Is it all lost?
Those tears in the rain
As I shed my past, since you flowed away
Into the river of living;
It carries 'it' into the ocean
To make it
A little rich of salt?

Is that eternal ocean
Clear of its ‘being’ the only one
Purifying all the polluted streams - an end?

You know my pain is capable
Of ‘being’ too
As blue
As the blue ocean
As still as the froth
Of the waves
But has it's dark sides... too
It becomes red, and bleeding red, as I still
Continue to tear memories of past, drop by drop

I lie as dead, 
as alive as in your arms
As alive as I can be, in all encompassing cold death

And rain goes on and on, raining...
And it rains forever,
From my thoughts
My memories, my past
In deep depths of my emotions
Off love, lust and passion...
And I continue to die of past,
Till I burst forth in living

I cry out in pain, of pain
Dead among suffering, for the reason I don’t need you
For my death - I just need me?

And tears run burning lines
Across my cheek, that
The universe of cloudburst couldn't flood
Dark grey clouds of thunder could not see
Those cries of my heart...
Where are you?
What are you doing?
Why are you not here with me?

And tear drops continue to merge with the rain
And the pain; Salt crystals of ocean scent
Continue another journey, seeking forever...

Where are you in this eternal journey of ocean current?
Shashi @ Nov 2011
नमः शिवाय
Om Namah Shivaya

Submitted to dVersePoet’s Open Link Night ~ Week 17, please log on to add your own and read some great talent... click here...

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  1. Is it all lost
    That tear in the rain
    A single word that balances on the precipice between life and death.
    Very beautiful, I'll be back to read more!

  2. Thanks SuzyQ.. finally I have finished writing the final version of the 'Tears In The Rain' and i hope you would like it... though its all about pain and suffering...

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya
    At twitter @VerseEveryDay

  3. this is heavy with emotions shashi...a moving write
    And I continue to die of past,
    Till I burst forth in living..think that's a good thing to do..

  4. A true emotional filled piece, great write.

  5. shashi, very evocative...that first haiku is great...but then you long verse really stirs the emotions and i am ready to burst forth...

  6. This is a gorgeous verse... was completely taken in by the first haiku, but then there is more...full of emotion....

  7. I love the first haiku...and the second. Great write.

  8. Intense and moving, Shashi-- I see much growth in your work and lovely paradoxes working in the Haiku-- I love these lines:

    Is it all lost?
    Those tears in the rain
    As I shed my past, since you flowed away
    Into the river of living,
    Carry 'it' into the ocean
    To make it
    A little rich of salt?

    very interesting diction here-- "a little rich of salt," as if too many tears make the ocean. xxxj

  9. Oh Shashi you put a lump in my throat... don't like lumps in my throat. I suppose its worth it to read you though.

  10. Dear Claudia, yes, we are only free, when we die of past... and then only we live in now

    @Pat, thanks for enjoying this..

    @Brian, WaySideWordGarden and Ayla... I love the first Haiku too a lot.. it means a lot to me ...

    ...and Jen thanks for your words… and liking it. With time, we all learn and interacting with great poets like you all, I have learned a lot.. Thanks for all being here...

    @DarkAngelwrites... i am sorry to give you a lump in throat... hope it was not as painful as I feel... ;-)

    Every one, I appreciate your visit and your words mean a lot to me...

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya

  11. ..deep, deep sadness and longing are buried in your words... i am loving your contemporary haikus... kudos!

    Good day!


  12. I too like the image of tears adding salt to the ocean. I was also struck by the image of froth on sea waves being still, and the transition from froth to redness, which gave me a dreadful ominous sense of wounded lungs. The double meaning of "tear" in a later line in that stanza also contributed to the wounded sense. I think it is fitting for that part of the poem, at the same time as I felt a closure at the end when the imagery returned to salt.

  13. Yes, so difficult not to remain trapped in the past and looking backward but, it's like shedding skin, we need to do it no matter how painful it is and unless we've know that pain, no, we've never loved.
    awww beautiful prose for its tremendous depth of feeling and, in all of its imagery.

  14. we learn from the pains from the past ...that's why it hurts so ....thank you for sharing x

  15. Very sad. One wants to whisper, good luck. K.

  16. a truly poignant piece.
    this poem is full of emotive, and it's interesting how you've structure this in a continuing Haiku format.
    good job.

  17. This is so painful to read..But beautiful pain, tho an oxymoron....Your love gone and washed away in the ocean, now enriched with salt tears...a sad work, but beautifully executed. xx

  18. a lot of poignant beauty here, in both haiku and the longer, wistful piece. For me, that third haiku said all that needed to be said, with both beauty and wisdom.

  19. I enjoyed reading this. The flow of your words recalls the flow of life through its participants; it is sometimes cleansing and sometimes scouring.

  20. Rain and Tears always can be compared and be written in beautiful poem.You did justice to your poem :)

  21. as dolly parton says... "if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with a little rain"

    nice work!

  22. Your haiku is beautiful. Thank you!

  23. Still rain goes on and on, raining...
    And it rains forever,
    From my thoughts
    Of my memories,

    I think these are my favorites from the long verses. Many very insightful moments here. Very nice.

  24. Your haiku are so perfect Shashi--all three. Your longer poem develops the same sort of emotion, but also I think talks about a spiritual life love and death. We do 'continue to die of the past' until we 'burst forth living.' Powerful and true words.

  25. loved the 1st haiku the best and the long verse was beautiful

  26. Deep - such layered haiku and such longing and yearning -- a cry that is going out into the universe, a desire to never be parted, the feeling of loss unquenched.

  27. beautiful imagery and composition to these words, the position question posed at the end leaves a dynamic presence of the piece in answer I am here <3 Om Namah Shivaya my friend, to the journey! ~ Rose

  28. gallop forward and enjoy life again.
    profound piece with lovely Haiku and thought provoking poem.

  29. Shedding the past- yes how important this is to a happy present and future. Lovely haiku and thoughtful poem, much enjoyed reading.

  30. An intense and deeply moving poem. Great imagery and an original voice.

  31. Only with love can we know what we've lost, why we feel pain. Beautiful poem.

  32. Wonderfully written!

  33. I am almost speechless, lost in the sorrow and pain you evoke. This haiku and then the longer poem are poetry at their best - haunting, melodic in their flow, capturing that emotion so intensely that I can hardly breathe.
    This is the first of many visits to your blog, I just know.

  34. These are both beautiful...incredibly so, but I confess I relish the haiku. You say so much in these, Sashi.

  35. Profound, and sad. I especially loved the haikus. Thank you.

  36. Very profound and deep. Really enjoyed the mindset it put me in.

  37. Beautiful. I like the way teardrops merge with rain, eventually all go to ocean. There is a universal feeling to this poem. Thanks for the blog visit. I will return.

  38. Shashi,
    Great 3-piece haiku, pitting likeness of flowers and emotions together. Your final version of tears really bring forth the emotive spirit of death and pain. It lingers on beautifully.

    P/S Thanks for your visit.

  39. stunning image and words.

    powerful wondering, somewhat painful, yet needed to lessen the pain of uncertainty.


  40. Beautiful imagery, filled with intense emotion... Well done!

  41. Stunning delivery of emotions through the poem. Loved it, the pic is also beautifully captured.

  42. it's only now i am going through this post and i must tell you, it is just beautiful. wonderfully written. loved reading it.

  43. the eternal pain/ envelopes/presence of soul.
    Lovely write. Will be with me for long, long time.


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