My works...


Mar 16, 2011

WHISPERS: Love and insignificance...

Fearless flowers of love
Carry the scent of ocean within
And hues of passion, rising in the heart

Love is more obscure
Unknown, Unrealized
Suffering is more precise

Everything begins and ends in nothing;
In between rainbows of living, burst forth
Universe has a warped sense of humor


The emptiness
That fills
My whole being
Is non-emptiness
Of being
A little insignificant

As blood pours out
Off the bruises
From living
A life of emptiness
Loving forms a scab
Of insignificance

No need to care
No need to bandage
With belongingness
It’s not even festering
Of pain
Just an etch - insignificant

Few scratches of slow
Bit by bit
It will merge with the dirt
Waiting for your foot steps
Just being insignificant

Loving has been
A search for meaning
Of my being!!!

ॐ नमः शिवाय
Om Namah Shivaya

Submitted to One Shot Wednesday WK 37

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  1. loving forms a scab of insignificance - what a great phrase that gives such meaning to the healing power of love....always love your words....they are always filled with lessons for living...bkm

  2. The scent of oceans dappled with hues of passion...sounds delightful. And the second haiku is so bloody true - love is evasive, it is indefinable in some its qualities, the pursuit long, but the rewards boundless. Suffering has its limits, its definitions - it strikes, and we know its face, we know what it will bring...

    Another lovely batch, my friend! Keep on bringing forth these secret gems of existence.

  3. These are beautiful, Shashi, offering solace to all of us in confusing and dark times. xj

  4. These are all so very deep. Excellent.

  5. i really like that third verse...the rainbows in between...and the close of you poem love has been...i really like that as i think that is what it is about...

  6. Suffering is more precise...
    how true! :)

  7. "Love is more obscure
    Unknown, Unrealized
    Suffering is more precise" Indeed, so much harder to focus on what is difficult to define, and yet that is the healing place that cradles us when we finally surrender. Beautiful!

  8. Beautiful words. I'm going to read this again and again.

  9. Your words are always a pleasure to read Shahsi, thought provoking with wonderful imagery.

    Thank you for your comment on my poem about my Dad, he is in a bad way now, a suffering in silence, as you would know. ;)


  10. I love all of these, but the second one...suffering is more dead on.

    These all go deep, but this suffering one hits me in the face this morning.

    Lady Nyo

  11. The second haiku is a masterpiece, Shashi, and I like the long poem as well. Being insignificant is quite realistic, I think. But there are a few we meet in life to whom we want to matter. A pleasure, as always, to read your words and see your beautiful photos.

  12. Shashi -- al of these are lovely poems, but I really love "Insignificance." Well done, sir.

  13. You write with such passion. Your words go straight to my heart.

  14. "Insignificance' is fantastic! It's a pleasure to read you.

  15. I really liked your second haiku and the poem is beautiful. This line wow loving forms a scab of insignificance

  16. you have managed to find beauty in dark times my friend.

  17. Shasi, "insignificance" is quite beautiful and the
    second haiku is absolutely true.
    "Suffering is more precise" well said my friend.


  18. "Insignificance" has such a depth to it, very powerful. Thanks for sharing.

  19. i liked all of the poems sashi but my fav were the fearless flowers of love..

  20. Thanks, Shashi! My fav:

    Love is more obscure
    Unknown, Unrealized
    Suffering is more precise

    Just a great contrast. And all of Insignificance flows so well from feeling to feeling.

  21. Your poetry is always a joy to read and the photos are especially elegant in this post. Thank you for sharing.

  22. Sparkling little poems!

  23. I think it true that "suffering is more precise," than loving. I'm enjoying your poetry.

  24. Woww.. what an intense and heartfelt poem, Shashi..
    Love is that blurry salve that soothes, and yet stays hidden... sometimes difficult to even feel...

    Beautifully written verses, my friend..

  25. Your haikus are always perfect Shashi. I love all three of them in different ways. They all speak to me; of hope, life and fate.

  26. Shashi,
    No need to bandage
    With belongingness
    I understand these words to mean that belongingness would heal your insignificance, running counter to your spiritual goal. It takes many years to understand and appreciate the sense of not belonging as a gift and a curse simultaneously.

  27. @bkm
    Thanks ... love has a special healing touch too. It not only heals you but also make you better than before...

    Yes, Suffering has some kind of finality to it. Hope I can continue to bring forth these thoughts for you to enjoy from the secret treasure from the depths of my heart.

    @jen revved
    Yes, these are times, when one has to hold each other in hug and feel the wonderful power of love...

    Thanks for liking it

    Brian Miller
    The third verse is kind of essence of Hindu religious philosophy... everything merges with the universe in the end... from big bang to the final collapse and in between, the living soul lives a colorful life...

    Thanks for liking it.

    @Old Ollie

    Yes I agree, its the healing place that cradles us when we leave it all behind.

    Thanks and hope you will enjoy the re-reads.

    I am grateful for your comment and appreciation.
    I wish you peace and just be with him, even if he does not react or remember. Anita, Love has many ways of reaching out... mind is just a narrow path. There are far more wide and clear pathways to reach out with love...

    Thanks, I relate with you in this suffering.

    thanks for liking it all. Yes there are few with whom we want to be with and mean a lot, some times though it does not work with what you want... some times, its just plain simple destiny that comes on your way...
    Thanks for liking the verse as well as the images...

    Thanks Glynn for liking these.

    @Myrna R.
    I appreciate your comment and yes, I do write from heart... full of passion of love, life and living... thanks for being here

    @Diana Lee
    Thanks for the pleasure you give me by visiting here...

    @gautami tripathy
    Thanks for liking it

    thanks ...

    @David Allen Waters
    When the pain becomes overwhelming, one needs to find solace in heart and creativity. Words are quite therapeutic.

    Thanks for liking them, my friend.

    Thanks for liking it

    Fearless flower has that scent of ocean which touches me deeply. I am sure you would be loving it too.

    Thanks, suffering has no ambiguity. Its just plain jane feeling that makes you more strong and tenacious, I guess.

    Thanks for keep on reading my thoughts and enjoying the pictures. They are actually from a village, I was in this winter.

    Thanks my friend.

    @Jimi Ann
    I am glad that you are enjoying my verses and thoughts.

    You are sweet, your words make me smile and happy. Thanks for regularly dropping by and spreading the joy that you are.
    Yes Love is the salve that not only soothes but heals too. Makes you stronger in the end.

    @Mama Zen
    Thanks for liking them.

    ॐ शांति ॐ
    Om Shanti Om
    May peace be… pray for People of Japan

  28. @kkrige
    Thanks for loving the Haiku and yes they all speak of living as such.
    I appreciate your being here..

    @Ann Grenier
    Yes some times belongingness becomes what it does not need to... an anchor, an attachment tied to living....
    Thanks for liking it.

    ॐ शांति ॐ
    Om Shanti Om
    May peace be… pray for People of Japan

  29. I really enjoyed the third mini poem about beginning and ending in nothing. Reminds me of something my grandfather (an eternal optimist- haha) would say, "You're born alone, you live alone, you die alone." Besides the overly sombre tone, it's actually quite true.

  30. Much to ponder here, Sashi. The photos that you have posted with your poems add to the atmosphere.

    And thanks so much for coming by my blog, reading and leaving a comment. Much appreciated!

  31. I really enjoyed reading these. Good writes Shashi

  32. Few scratches of slow Detachment
    Been there...
    After one's attained a little indifference, he then starts loving everyone.. that is one way of attaining enlightenment!

    Smiles xox

  33. Beautiful words as always,Shashi!Going here makes one reflect.

    Thank you so much for the concern.All of us here in Japan are hoping for the worst to be over soon and for a brighter tomorrow to come.

  34. your poems are amazing, as always. i was touched most by ~

    "Loving has been
    A search for meaning
    Of my being!!"

    the search for our meaning, yes.

    thank you SO much for your kind comment on my blog.

  35. This puts me in mind of this from Deepak Chopra.
    ‘When you identify with your real essence, you escape the prison of the intellect and enter the world of the infinite, unbounded and free’
    When we let go of our ego we open ourselves to spirit.
    I sent my love to Japan. Also Reiki healing which came to the rest of the world from Japan in the 20th Century.

  36. The Universe does, indeed, have a warped sense of humor of times...but then again it may be our somewhat narrow 100 year view of an entitity that has seen billions of years...who knows?

    And I love what you did with the word 'Insignificance'. And the photos. Thank you :)

  37. Love the rainbows. I'm a huge rainbow fan. Lovely work.

  38. These are both brilliant, especially 'Whispers'. Absolutely stunning. Thank you for sharing!

  39. These are all so poignant Shashi. I feel a bit sad reading them. They touch my heart. You are a gifted poet.

  40. @~Sarah~
    Thanks and what your grandfather said is actually true.

    Thanks for liking the verse and the images. I appreciate your visit.


    @Mad Kane
    Thanks for enjoying them.

    Detachment is first step for enlightenment... actually.

    What's happening in Japan saddens me and my heart goes out to them. Om Shanti Om. Peace. Thanks for liking the verses...

    Thanks for liking them and the last part of my verse you quoted is actually the essence of my being.
    Deepak Chopra is a great master and at that a very practical one... have read him a lot and identify with his thoughts to some extent. Thanks for sharing the quote.
    Its a great thing that you are doing for the people of Japan. I am sure that it will help to a different level altogether...

    Yes, we are too small in terms of history compared to the universe... then interestingly, we are the only species in the universe as of now, who think about it.
    Thanks for visiting, I appreciate it a lot. Insignificance word is actually a very significant word. Says a lot.

    thanks for visiting and enjoyed the rainbow.

    @James Christopher Sheppard
    Thanks for enjoying them, I appreciate your visit a lot.

    I am glad that you could relate to the pain behind it all. I am grateful for your words and your big appreciation, though I dont feel gifted as I write simply what comes from my heart.

    @Rachel Hoyt
    Thanks for visiting and appreciating my verse...

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya

  41. I agree-the Universe does, indeed, have a warped sense of humor. Luckily, I usually have one too! Great poem!

  42. I can certainly relate to feelings of insignificance. They can be overwhelming sometimes, and I could feel that in your writing.

  43. @Lolamouse
    That was a beautiful comment. I am sure that you have one.

    Oh yes they are more than overwhelming.. they are life changing .. may be for the better or worse...

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya

  44. stunning imagery...
    keep it up.


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