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Apr 27, 2011

Whispers: Feelings and loss...

Below are some of my Haiku for you to read...

Some hurts
Dig in too deep
To take hold of your soul

Time affects all
I remain changed
All the time

Trying to find myself
By words
Buddha smiles with feelings

I carry the burden
Of wasted dreams
Within my open eyes
That are dying to sleep
In the wakefulness of

Loss, too powerful
To put to sleep; by words
So scratched them out of existence
The smudged up darkness
Of white paper
Is more like it

Time can be ruthless
In cutting present into
Pieces of past
But the loss
Is more like a soul
Undying, un-living, uncut

A throbbing lump
Stuck in my heart
Living, into my being
नमः शिवाय
Om Namah Shivaya

Submitted to One Shot Poetry Wednesday – Week 43
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Seed and Senseless Living                                              Buddha and Life   


  1. Time can be ruthless
    In cutting present into
    Pieces of past
    But the loss
    Is more like a soul
    Undying, un-living, uncut

    excellent stanza...loss is just like you describe in your poem...great one shot

  2. "Within my open eyes
    That are dying to sleep"

    Hi Shashi. Deep, soulful poetry both in Loss and haiku. Always enjoy the transformational aspect of your lines. Your progression of haiku begins in pain and ends with search, and I also find a similar movement through your lines in Loss that resolve in the search of being. reflective poetry with feeling—excellent work, my friend.

  3. moving, and full of emotion :)

  4. deep... a tearing movement. A good read!

  5. What I like about your style is that each line feels like a meditation. Good work!

  6. Shashi, so much beauty here! Loved this particular haiku "Time affects all
    I remain changed
    All the time"

    and this line really wrapped around MY heart: "Time can be ruthless
    In cutting present into
    Pieces of past
    But the loss
    Is more like a soul
    Undying, un-living, uncut"

    namaste, sweet soul

  7. Sad feel associated to this but the writing was outstanding.


  8. Thank you, for sharing

  9. fine exploration of emotional under currents

  10. Every morning I feel like you write something just for me *heehee* :)

    Thank you for sharing.

    Ciao, JunkYard Gypsy

  11. As always, your writing goes straight into the heart, Sashi. I like your middle haiku--so true--and your entire longer piece, full of the bitter and sweet knowledge that living and thinking and feeling all bring. Particularly like "...The smudged up darkness/Of white paper..." and the whole stanza after it.

  12. very deep ... it touches the heart. Loved reading.

  13. wonderful. I am so enthralled by your writings about time. thank you.

  14. Enjoyed your Haiku, it speaks volumes to me for I have endured many a tragic moments since 2004.
    God bless you and keep writting.


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