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May 20, 2011

WHISPERS: Buddha and life

On 17th May, Lord Buddha's Birthday was celebrated, hence thought of sharing some of my Haiku on Buddha and life.... This is also in celebration for the birthday of a friend on 22nd May....

Zade Buddha in China

The silent Buddha
Is not so silent
Listen from heart
I went to that lonely temple
Again, Buddha smiled
I was looking for pain
Buddha meditates in the song
The girl sings as she cleans the floor
Cleansing his soul
A rock solid thought
Plunged deeper in the pond
Calmness ripples across Buddha's smile
This 100 year old Banyan tree is in the Center of Auroville, Puducherry
Looking at young Bhikshu sitting below
Bodhi tree wonders
Who Buddha is?
In the shadow of Bodhi Tree
Young Buddha smiles
What life is?
Bodhi tree
Sad and alone
Needs another Buddha to enlighten
Tree knows
So do the falling leaves
Times does not know, it has come
Life sometimes
Is lived
Sometimes wasted on living
Anchored in Karma
Chained to past
Living is: trying to break free
This is a mural on the walls of Buddhist temple in Sarnath Varanasi
Here Buddha gave his first sermon
Soul is beautiful; lotus in the pond
Scentless, detached;
Yet flowering, in soft colours of living
We have lived and died
On the banks of eternal river
Of various lives
Between the two mirrors
Of life and living
I reflect, eternally
Anchored in ocean of life
A red little boat
नमः शिवाय
Om Namah Shivaya
Submitted to One Stop Poetry for their weekly One Shot Wednesday - WK 47.
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  1. A superb post. Worthy of the occasion in every way.

  2. Fantastic post, loved the imagery and the poetry, beautiful! thanks for sharing.

  3. Very profound Shashi!

    Anchored in Karma
    Chained to past
    Living is: trying to break free.. Touché..!

    Each word is a drop of truth poured in the glass of Life.. very well done..

    Hugs xox

  4. Lovely haiku that fit your pictures beautifully...I especially enjoyed 'Anchored in ocean of life
    A red little boat
    Waits' ~ really spoke to me in a profound way..Thank you Shashi..

  5. Quite a vivid collection of haiku, each one a bead on a string. I especially liked the second and third, and the very last--they say so much about the way the heart seeks peace. Beautiful writing, as always , Shashi.

  6. i loved the singing girl and the red boat waiting...and the 100 year old tree...thanks for taking us on the journey shashi

  7. Very nicely done!! :-)

  8. You are the master of haiku... These are all so beautiful and profound in their simplicity with words of wisdom on a life well lived. Thank you for sharing....

  9. Beautiful thought inspiring Haiku Shahsi.


  10. I dig this meditation on Buddha, since it drifts chaotically onward to enlightenment, while we stagnant creatures frantically attempt to pursue. Excellent! :D

  11. I cannot tell you how much I needed these words today my friend. They touched me deeply ~ Om Namah Shivaya ~ Rose

  12. Lovely. Thank you. Om shanti shanti shanti.

  13. How beautiful, Shashi--your wonderful haiku and the pictures. I have a special place in my heart for banyan trees. There were many of them in South Florida when I lived there for several years.

  14. amazing Haikus...

    Thanks for sharing.

    From Haiku Wednesday.

  15. Not a surprise that Buddha can inspire such great writing.

    The silent Buddha
    Is not so silent
    Listen from heart

    This haiku is perfect - says so much - listen...

  16. Your words are absolutely other-worldly, Shashi.. I totally got immersed in them..

    "Life sometimes
    Is lived
    Sometimes wasted on living" -- my gosh! There is soooo much depth and truth in these lines! Very very beautifully said, my friend..

    Love and Peace to you..

  17. Beautiful, profound poetry, Shashi. One must slow down to read this and meditate upon it, because there is such universal wisdom here.

    You have captured the essense of what is real here.


    Lady Nyo

  18. fine pieces and very thoughtfully constructed my friend


  19. These stanza are all so beautiful Sashi. I kept trying to figure out which I enjoyed the most and couldn't pick just one. Your work always leaves me feeling serene.

  20. Amazing post and poetry. Very thoughtful words of wisdom for the right occasion :)

    BTW, thanks for visiting my blog!

    Kiran @


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