A book by Ma Anand Sheela (Sheela Ambalal Patel) Secretary of Osho (He was called Bhagwan Rajneesh by his disciples) from 1981-85, about her life and experiences with Osho, and account of, as she said in the book, “building an entire commune in Oregon and how in fit of rage, Osho destroyed it, after I resigned from his services in the year 1985.”

I was talking to one of the close person of Osho and his younger brother, kind of family, and he raised a doubt why now after decades, she wrote this account. And goes on to answer, "Because, she was making up a convincing story, to bring down a spiritual and enlightened being who as God for his followers". Well that might be the case, but for me, I feel disconnected with any one who as a human being liked and allowed his disciples to call one self as GOD because then the person is not enlightened enough to realize the divinity within. Why does one need reinforcing of the idea of “Aham Brahamasmi” (I Am Brahma – God) from external sources. But this post is not about me and my thoughts but about the book and Anand Sheela’s thoughts.
She says in the book, “I saw Bhagwan extremely charismatic, brilliant, inspiring, powerful, and loving, and I also saw him being ridiculously manipulative, vengeful, self-serving and hurtful. He disregarded all laws, moralities, ethics, and legalities of every community, society, and nation because he wanted to create a society of his own vision with its own laws and rules.”
And as in the end, Anand Sheela brings out the final idea of the book, which makes the title, that people and the followers are Killing Osho by the censorship and rituals that are totally against his teachings. She says, “His discourses as Osho were divine, even if some of his actions as a fallible human being were flowed. … These empty rituals kill him. Please stop them. His soul left his body in 1990. Now, please don’t kill him.”
A Brief Biography – Ma Anand Sheela:
Ma Anand Sheela, (born as Sheela Ambalal Patel on 28 December 1949; also known as Sheela Silverman and Sheela Birnstiel) is a former follower, secretary and spokeswoman for the Indian mystic and guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (also known as "Osho"). As the main planner of the 1984 Rajneeshee bio-terror attack, she served twenty-nine months in prison for assault, attempted murder, telephone tapping, immigration fraud and product tampering.
From 1981 to 1985, Sheela was Osho's personal secretary, and on 10 July 1981, she purchased the 64,000-acre (260 km2) Big Muddy Ranch to create the Rajneeshpuram, Oregon commune. She was the main manager and spokesperson, and known for her "acid tongue" as well as for toting a .357 Magnum handgun; she also created a Rajneeshpuram police force armed with Uzi sub-machine guns and a Jeep-mounted .30-caliber machine gun. It was under Sheela's influence that Rajneesh decided to travel to the United States and begin an ashram there.
(An interesting interview where Anand Sheela signs off with "Good luck to you and your pimps)
On 13 September 1985, Sheela fled the commune along with several other followers of Rajneesh. Two days later, the Bhagwan himself accused Sheela of arson, wiretapping, attempted murder, and mass poisonings.
In December 1988, Sheela was released for good behaviour after serving twenty-nine months of the 20-year sentence. After her release, Sheela moved to Switzerland where she started a new profession managing two nursing homes.
Curtsy: Wikipedia, Click here to read the full biography
And now for some thoughts from the book that I liked…
And now for some thoughts from the book that I liked…
During my years with Bhagwan, I learned that the greatest of gurus can also be fallible human beings. I learned to separate their personality traits from their immense charisma and the power of their teachings.
His demands (for Rolls-Royces and expensive watches – he already had 96 Rolls and countless watches
amounting to several million dollars) for these no longer seemed merely idiosyncratic – they appeared to be the product of deteriorating being.
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Osho's drive by in Rajneesh Puram in Oregon USA Image curtsy Wikipedia |
A Zen master said, “Suffering brings awareness and voluntary suffering brings tremendous awareness”
I just took life as it offered itself to me. I did not claim anything, I did not complain, I was just grateful to be free again.
My home, where old and disabled people conveniently live together in a community and feel totally at home, is a model for the future. In our house nobody feels isolated or lonely. Everyone is surrounded by warmth and care… house like ours offers a warm and loving atmosphere.
Book Two:
First meeting… after coming back from USA…
I let myself fall into his arms, full of joy. He held me to his chest for some time. It seemed like eternity. Then he let go of me gently and held my hands. I put my head on his lap… I just sat there drowned in him, lost in him. I heard everything, yet I heard nothing. I was there and yet I was not there.
Through his new concept of Sannyas, he (Osho) wanted to encourage his Sannyasins to accept life while still pursuing their spiritual quest. Sannyas is no gradual development; it’s a quantum leap into trust. Sannyas is a lottery not a trade. Sannyas is willingness to blow out the candle of ego.
After moving to Poona, Bhagwan changed certain things within his organization. He took clearer direction. He made himself more exclusive and ensured that he appeared more mysterious.
An ashram exists around an enlightened master. Once the enlightened one is not there the ashram disappears. What is left then is only the organization, the skeleton. Master, the enlightened one is the soul of the ashram.
During early ‘70’s, group therapies used to play a major role in the psychology of the Western people. To them therapies seemed to be the answer to the dissatisfaction of modern man. The therapy groups were to help release the anger, hate, jealousy, sexual suppression, and other taboos that one learns and carries through life. Osho thought that once a person is free of these unpleasant feelings, one can move towards inward journey easily…. Sexuality, which was seen as the abuse of many sufferings, was one of the main topics in these therapies. … There was a lot going on in these groups. Some, in the excitement of the group and the enthusiasm to climb the ladder of enlightenment took part in violence and sexual encounter in groups. But always, the participation was absolutely voluntary.
Indians were not allowed to participate in therapy groups. Many questions were put to Osho and finally he gave
an official reason, “People from the West come from a very oppressive world. Their lifestyle is very different from an Indian’s. Their mind set is different. They need active therapies. Indians need more passive, quiet meditations…”. With this explanation the Indians thought they were more spiritually developed.
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Osho Ashram in Pune |
To have money meant to be able to be in the ashram and with Osho, and many of us were willing to become beggars rather than be separated from him. Some even decided to work as prostitutes.
Osho’s teachings did not preach any morality. This made it easy to overcome guilt in these matters…. Osho would often say that life as a prostitute can be important in the spiritual quest. He would say, “… prostitution can serve as a kind of meditations.
But Osho had no problem being the guru of the rich. He, in fact, carried this game to its very limit. He even said once about materialism: “I am not against materialism, because I know that only at the highest peak of materialism does religion happen.”
Waiting was not his (OSHO) thing, bureaucracy made him angry and irritated. Laws did not exist for him. He stood above them. To resolve these things was my job. I must say, that with some experience, I became an expert at it all.
According to Osho, the FBI was responsible for the Jonestown tragedy. He once told me, “These self-righteous people and politicians create situations in which weak people like the Reverend Jones commit suicide. We will fight against. Make that clear before the press…. If they touch even one of us, we will catch fifteen of them….”
From this incident (Vivek’s incident), I learned many lessons. Firstly, that Osho was a man with ordinary feelings. Secondly, that I must make sure that he was never cut off from the outside world due to any disaster. Third, even an enlightened one cannot get rid of a woman. The reality is that neither can a man can live with a woman, nor can he live without her…. .. ; in my eyes he was simply a handsome, intelligent and desirable man. I let him have his fun.
Osho was also the chief architect of our media strategy. He meticulously choreographed all my appearances in media. What would I say, how I should say it, when I should say it – everything was scripted by him.
Osho was a lion who could roar very loud. He was not afraid of either scandals or public opinion. Fact or fiction made no difference to him. He would think of an appropriate story and simply execute it. That’s why he also introduced such an ugly, dirty scandal into the world after I left him.
The censorship and ritual which are performed by the Sannyasins now after his death are totally against his life, death and teachings. His discourses as Osho were divine, even if some of his actions as a fallible human being were flowed. … These empty rituals kill him. Please stop them. His soul left his body in 1990. Now, please don’t kill him.
ॐ नमः शिवाय
Om Namah Shivaya
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